Its a twitter thing :)

I do wonder sometimes, would I get those wonderful friends in my real life as I am experiencing now in my life if I had stuck with those non-social sites as I was used too with ?? .... and realize, NO I would never. Thanks to twitter, these marvelous friends of mine are the greatest boons of Twitter. 

I was a shy kinda' guy from my very childhood, I used to be limited with only few friends of my choice which I feel was so vacant then. We didn't have access not only to Internet but computers too. In this fast pace world, one can barely believe the situations, while we were happy with our own stuffs, far beyond web and technology. 

I was brought up to Kathmandu, a city of dreams for every Nepali pupil, by my own creed. I happened to get enrolled into a renowned Higher Secondary school at its times. I was introduced to computers as something for amusement as described by some of my friends studying as physical science studies where Computer education would be a course core subject while I missed that as for I was a Biology group student. 

Though I was introduced to Computers in my early study ages at class 4. We were charged NRs 50 as computer course fees per month, while the course included a long messy queue of students struggling to play at least two Dave games within a class period of 45 minutes once in a week. Reviewing my past surprises me to see my little kid Supreme(2 yrs Old) with Iphone 3GS in his hands amused by Talking Tom Cat. Amazing.....

Though I was benefited by a P3 computer when I passed class 7 examinations in good grades. I was then a praiseworthy matter of interest among friends, students from the same class happened to be my good friends and used to visit my place for the sake of gaining the experience of DAVE and MARIO somewhere beyond school premises. :P I was happy to have them all. 

After about 13 years now, my friend from twitter @c4ndy_ was here in Basantapur today showing his latest interest in linux operating system (he is a scholar in  Linux OS), I was truly amazed to know his mode of interest and excellency in Linux (Ubuntu) which I had never imagined about. He runs a linux dedicated site. He turned out to be a genius for me at least, as I am a know nothing in front of him. 

Dilip Acharya, @dacharya is a very famous techno-genius man, I happened to know from twitter. He runs a blog where you can barely be un-benefited by any of the posts. He really is a genius in the fields of internet. Some very good friends of mine (from twitter) are doing very well in their fields too. Aakar, a very good friend of mine runs a very successful blog of himself dedicated to the latest tech infos going around. Many more are equally enthusiastic in the latest technologies. I find myself to be a struggling techno lover with least knowledge in self. But my verge towards technology would be ever directional towards betterment and self satisfaction.  

Beyond technologies, I have been able to gather up many friends from media, Medicine, Engineering, Tourism , microbiology, Mechanic fields and many more. All of them have very specialized qualities with rare abilities. I am very proud to have them. Thanks to twitter, without you, I'm so impaired. And the most important of all times tfcNepal is the most precious gift, I got from twitter. Thanks to all my friends on tfcNepal, as we initiate a cause to tweet via the same. 

Checkout my cool friends on twitter : 

झुक्किएर मैले नाम छुटाका साथीहरुले आफ्नो नाम सम्झेर म म भन्नुहोस :P अरु नि साथि त कत्ति भा'का छन् भा'का छन्, सबैका नाम ले'र त के साध्धे भो र ? भो-नकुरागरम 

Twitter Baba ki Jay :) 


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